?Ok waif, now you will use both of your tiny hands and spread open my ass cheeks? demanded Brenda. Tracey was really humiliated now but complied. ?Ok?...aid Tracey. ?Ok what, finish the job and give me some tongue on my brown eye you dumb little bitch!? snapped Brenda. Tracey couldn’t believe what was happening but realized she should comply as she really needed to keep her position at this firm. She reluctantly lowered her head and stuck her tongue into the rubenesque lady’s anus. Brenda softly. She was still on the side of the pool. I didn't say anything, but just gave her a "Come on in" signal. She was obviously nervous, and shy too. Very sweet, but I was determined that she would experience the joy of naked swimming. I got out of the pool and went over to her. I picked her up and walked towards the pool, like I was going to throw her in. She begged me not too, and said that she would take off her clothes, but she needed me to turn around. I hopped back in the water and after a. Plus, it meant an added layer of humiliation and an added layer of sexual torment, as if being stuffed with buttplug and dildo wasn’t enough teasing, or enough humiliation!Peaches struggled back to her everyday background state, of curiosity, fear and lust intertwined. As usual when she’d just been allowed to come, she was just lightly less fearful and slightly less desperate to be fucked than usual, so she could think just a little clearer. But soon, her new user was taking up all her. Tannard looked down the table at the others who were both mesmerized and surprised at the sight of a once Lady of the Manor baring her all across the servant's dining table. Victoria could see the Principal staring intently at her 'private area' she could also see his obvious pleasure bulging at the front of his tight trousers. 'SWACKK'… "eeeeoooowwwch!"…'SWACKK'… "eeeeoooowwwch!" 'SWACKK'… "eeeeoooowwwch!"…'SWACKK'… "eeeeoooowwwch!" Everyone was silent and still except for Victoria who.
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